Actress Priyanka Chopra launched the website for Yash Raj Films' forthcoming movie 'Pyaar Impossible' yesterday at YRF Studios in Mumbai. Actor Uday Chopra had left for the next shooting schedule of the film and hence could not be present at the press conference had a special message on video for all.
Actor and Director of 'Roadside Romeo' Jugal Hansraj directs Uday Chopra, Priyanka Chopra, and Dino Morea in this romantic comedy which went on floors this April and is due to release towards the end of the year. This will be the second time Jugal Hansraj and Uday Chopra working together after their 2000 hit film 'Mohabbatein'.
The website will feature videos on set from the movie with your host actor Uday Chopra that will be updated. A recent video was posted with the entire cast of the movie doing a puja to give the blessings for the start of this film. On the website, you can catch fresh videos and the latest pictures with loads of behind-the-scenes moments on this first of its kind website.
As far as similarities go, Priyanka denied that the film is based on Hollywood's 'Notting Hill' by saying, "It's not at all true because in 'Notting Hill', Julia Roberts plays a superstar and the guy is just a normal guy but in 'Pyaar Impossible' I do not play a superstar but just a normal girl." As for the possibility of the film being an adaptation of American TV series 'The Beauty and The Geek', Priyanka said the only fact in common between the two is that a geek and a beauty fall in love otherwise it's a totally different script.
'Pyaar Impossible' is the story of two characters: Abhay (Uday) and Alisha (Priyanka). It is a love story between Abhay who is a nerdy, awkward, socially challenged and bespectacled geek and Alisha who is the epitome of beauty that any man would willingly rip his heart out for.
And when these two worlds collide you get:
1 Beauty + 1 Geek = Pyaar Impossible!
So tell us what you think about the movie and the website which you can visit on this link: Do you like the layout of the website? Will this be a successful film for Jugal after his failure with 'Roadside Romeo'? Write your feedback on this upcoming film.
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