Priyanka Chopra supports Make A Wish Foundation. Gorgeous Priyanka Chopra after the stunning back to back success at box office , still trying everything to show that her legs still lying on earth only and she is not flying due to success. Priyanka Chopra supports Make A wish foundation and also appeal her fans to support this noble cause. Check out Priyanka Chopra Pictures at events by Forbes India.
Priyanka Chopra is getting more and more involved in issues that matter. Earlier this year, she signed on as the ambassador for a Greenathon cause, to conserve our environment. Now she has joined the Save the Children campaign.
PC talks about the cause, "Save the Children works by reaching out to the most marginalised and underprivileged children in our society and ensures that they gets access to quality - and more importantly - relevant education. When I heard about their new campaign called Every One to prevent children dying needlessly, I was happy to lend my support.
India has the highest number of children under five dying every year, nearly two million. 4.33 lakh newborns die within first 24 hours of life annually. This is a global five-year campaign to get world governments back on track in reducing child mortality by two-thirds by 2015."
No blame game
Chopra continues, "Every one of us has a role to play. There's no point blaming the government or policy makers for the lack of progress. I believe there are several simple solutions that can go a long way to preventing children dying needlessly. Like for example, breastfeeding for the first six months. The sad thing is that we are not aware that there are low-cost solutions. I would use my public profile to raise awareness of these issues. I will try to generate mass public support for this campaign. I will also raise funds for this very critical cause.
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